Who we are


Our purpose is to empower the nation by widening access to quality higher education through our prestigious institutions

A snapshot of our performance since inception

The Group has come a long way since its inception, and despite the recent, and current economic
and social challenges in South Africa, continues to go from strength to strength.

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Student numbers 12 976 29 885 31 869 35 031 38 262 41 296 46 508 50 039
Revenue (Rm) 122 633 815 933 1 098 1 214 1 414 1 612
EBITDA adjusted (Rm) 0.5 129 196 253 310 357 391 458
Core Headline Earnings (Rm) 3 70 88 117 149 176 209 267
Core HEPS (cps) 0.6 8.6 10.8 14.2 17.6 20.7 24.6 31.5
Dividend per share (cps) - - - - 4.7 8.9 10 15.1
Return on equity (%) - 4% 6% 8% 9% 10% 12% 13.6%

Our Institutions

STADIO Holdings acquired seven brands between 2017 and 2018, namely AFDA, CA Connect, Embury, Lisof, Milpark Education, Prestige Academy and Southern Business School. On 26 October 2020, the Group achieved a major strategic milestone by successfully consolidating four of our brands (Embury, Lisof, Prestige Academy and Southern Business School) into a single registered higher private higher education institution, STADIO (Pty) Ltd, also known as STADIO Higher Education. The STADIO Higher Education brand was launched in October 2020, and 2021 saw STADIO Higher Education registering new students under this brand for the first time. The aforementioned Business Transfer will unlock opportunities to actively deliver on the marketing, operational and regulatory efficiencies that arise from operating as a single higher education institution.


Following the Business Transfer, the STADIO Group owns three registered private higher education institutions from which it operates and through which STADIO Holdings facilitates the widening of access to quality and relevant higher education programmes in southern Africa.


Through our 3 destinct private Higher Education Institutions

Tracing our Origins

2018 - 2019
2020 -2021
2022 -2026
Year of establishment
  • Unbundled from Curro
  • Acquired quality brands
  • Listed on the JSE
Positioning years
  • Acquired further quality brands
  • Opened 3 new campuses
  • Purchased land in Centurion and Durbanville to build multi-School comprehensive campuses
Consolidation years
  • Registration and launch of STADIO Higher Education
    (4 brands into 1)
  • Invest in distance learning infrastructure, systems, processes, policies
  • Accreditation of new programmes
Growth phase
  • Optimisation of current campuses and staff
  • First comprehensive campus opens
  • 56 000 students by 2026 *

      * In accordance with the Prelisting statement
Sustainable Growth
  • 100 000+ students
  • 20% + Sustainable growth

STADIO Holdings started as a subsidiary of Curro Holdings Limited (Curro), a provider of pre-school and school-based education since 1998. In 2013, Curro acquired Embury, a registered private higher education institution offering accredited teacher-education qualifications. In February 2017, Curro unbundled its entire interest in STADIO Holdings to allow STADIO Holdings to focus on the opportunities presented in higher education and the role that STADIO Holdings can play in widening access to more learners to study beyond school level. STADIO Holdings listed on the JSE on 3 October 2017.

A Snapshot

Distinct registered higher education institutions
Over 0

over 95 Accredited
30+ in the pipeline
campuses / DL support offices nationwide

(including 2 support offices in Namibia)

Annual module success rate for 2023 across the 3 institutions
0 %

The Group stands firmly on its key focus areas of “WWS” – Widening Access; World of Work and Student Centredness. These are words that the Group lives by and form the basis of all our decisions and planning.

Widening Access

Making higher education available to more individuals.

World Of Work

Our academic strategies are focused on ensuring relevance and alignment with industry.

Student Centredness

The academic promise approved by the board is built on the principles of students at the centre – learning at the core

We believe that having admitted you as a student, we must do all things reasonable and practical to support you to succeed. It is our commitment to provide the enabling environment that will help all our students achieve academic success.

We have a far reaching footprint

Our Aim is to have
Our accredited sites and support centres are shown above, but our reach is far wider due to our distance learning offerings
– In addition, our campuses also serve as support centres for our distance learning students.
Distance Learning students
0 %
Contact Learning students
0 %
Schools of
accounting, business, commerce & management
STADIO Higher Education
Milpark Education
School of
STADIO Higher Education
Schools of
film, media, architecture, design & fashion
STADIO Higher Education
School of
information technology
STADIO Higher Education
Schools of
law & policing
STADIO Higher Education
School of
STADIO Higher Education
Business school Milpark Education
School of
Engineering (coming soon)
STADIO Higher Education

The Group services over 50 000 students across a diverse range of accredited programmes, ranging from undergraduate (higher certificates, diplomas and degrees) to postgraduate programmes (honours, masters and doctorates) across both contact learning and distance learning modes of learning delivery. The programmes are fully accredited and registered with the same local authorities as universities. They aim to provide graduates with a real chance of creating employment opportunities (entrepreneurship) or finding employment. The Group has over 90 accredited programmes with more than 30 programmes in the process of development and/or accreditation and continually strives to identify new relevant programmes to offer, that will address the needs of our students as well as the world of work, to ensure our graduates are highly equipped and employable.